under (re)construction |
get the inside view from the industry outsider Australia’s future – now more than ever – needs public transport infrastructure
Best Web Series and/or TV Pilot Finalist – Toronto CANADA
Semi-Finalist – Boden, SWEDEN
- Landmark Australian achievement released for international audiences by Wise Words Media and Callumny Films
Callumny Films TV
Episode List | The Contract: PROJECT Waterman [season 1]
When the safety of local kids in WATERMAN’s community is put at risk by train & public transport sector works around a local football oval, the infrastructure consultant must choose between his job and his own moral code. —-
get the inside view from the industry outsider
Australia’s future – now more than ever – needs public transport infrastructure

2021 Toronto Independent Film Festival of Cift Canada Finalist
2021 Boden International Film Festival Semi Finalist
2021 Lift-Off Global Network Sessions Finalist

Web Series | 2016 PG | Season 1 | 17 Episodes
Episode Runtime: 0hr10m
WATERMAN is an infrastructure consultant overseeing project timelines for STM Asia Pacific Construction and the Victorian State Government.
When the safety of local kids’s in his community is put at risk by train & public transport sector works around a local football oval, WATERMAN’s professionalism is tested. His work obligations are gradually eroded by internal corporate politicking and a moral duty to acknowledge his own conflicts of interest: safety, destruction of trees and works around the local train station. Pressure builds further when WATERMAN reveals a deep personal loss. An investigative journalist with a folio of glossy A4 photo’s confronts WATERMAN, demanding comments about alleged worksite corruption. Suspecting a whistleblower, WATERMAN is forced to seek answers from a dubious industry source. Corporate espionage. Black Ops. Call it what you want – it’s risky. It’s his job. How much danger is WATERMAN prepared to put himself in? Forget the idea’s economy – it’s garbage. Australia’s future lies within the public transport infrastructure sector. Join WATERMAN’S ‘public relations tour’ around Melbourne’s exploding construction activity for exclusive behind-the-scenes access to some of the biggest train network infrastructure project’s this country has ever seen. —- ‘The Contract: PROJECT Waterman’ is Australia’s newest webseries.

© Wise Words Media and Callumny Films 2010 – 2021 all footage and stills
The Contract: PROJECT Waterman is a mockumentary series. It specifically references an original script by SEAN McINTYRE – The Contract – which had its public debut at A Fistful of Scripts, a script reading series, in April, 2011 (Theatre Works, St Kilda Melbourne Australia).
Essentially, The Contract: PROJECT Waterman is a ‘spin-off’ of The Contract A Fistful of Scripts is an innovative script development incubator produced by Wise Words Media in association with Callumny Films.
Consulting, content licensing and distribution queries welcome.

Monday 3rd May 2021
Series is getting a make-over with 7 new episodes, new branding ahead of being made available for content licensing & distribution sales: Vuulr.com, Filmwallet.com, BingeTV and others.
More new episodes, more WATERMAN: Callumny Films TV ( youtube 2021). Final test – spec episode to be made public.

SYNOPSIS | episode 11
Level Crossing Removal – Blackburn | Project: WATERMAN
* https://lnkd.in/gu3CEdk
WATERMAN recounts previous nights works featuring the biggest & greenest public transport infrastructure asset ever seen in Blackburn. All throughout his commentary, it’s plain & obvious that his personal & professional boundaries are no longer blurred.
His concern for Blackburn residents, OHS & safety is highly admirable, but…will this come back to haunt him?

PROJECT: Waterman
get the inside view from the industry outsider
Australia’s future -now more than ever – needs public transport infrastructure
trains | infrastructure | #thispublictransportlife
Trains | Blackburn
Public transport | Level Crossing Removal
Melbourne, Australia
Filmed mid 2016 and mid 2020
* https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyikgRIdFen20y6mv4YZ9UA/videos
All episodes
* Callumny Films TV
film producer | bio
CALLUMNY FILMS | currently being approached by distribution platforms for their buyers for our film, webseries and video content. A new, recent development, this new demand for a global distribution outlook from new partners is a great fit.
Since 2015, Wise Words Media and Callumny Films has set their competitive advantage towards:
- international co-production
- to seek international creatives as collaborators / production partners
Producer based in Melbourne, Australia.
Wise Words Media and Callumny Films has a profile full of digital assets showcased in Cinando. Media kit also available if you require further info. In addiition:
As content creators of digital & audio content, Wise Words Media and Callumny Films announce launch of CoVid-19 safe, digital offerings:
- this walking life
- this public transport life
- this geneology life
- this property life
- residential apartment developments / commercial sales / commercial leasing
With launch of new, highly innovative digital series ‘this life’, Wise Words Media and Callumny Films are making an impact statement on the undeniable economic importance of Australia’s digital and infrastructure sectors.
Public transport first addressed in 2016 via unique mockumentary web-series ‘PROJECT: Waterman‘.
Wise Words Media | about
creative industries production house | Content Production (audio/video)
- Content Producer | B2B Broker, B2C Intermediary Consulting,
- Professional services
- LinkedIn – Wise Words Media
- www.wisewords.com.au