Callumny Films TV The Contract: PROJECT Waterman [season 1] PG Documentary, Drama, Miscellaneous 180 Minutes When the safety of local kids in WATERMAN’s community is put at risk by train & public transport sector works around a local football oval, the infrastructure consultant must choose between his job and his own moral […]
Category: Site Content
CoVid-19 Is The Anti-Social Disease | Why is Wise Words Media well placed and CoVid-19 content friendly? In case you missed it, to haul the nation’s economy out of its first recession in 30 years, Australia’s Federal government is placing bets on the digital economy, digital infrastructure and nation-building infrastructure projects […]
Project Waterman: Metro Tunnel (filming) – it’s time to face the face-mask facts. Stage 3 lockdown in Melbourne, Australia means we’ve had to suspend filming for Waterman’s comeback. But, good news is – Nick Waterman can go viral at appropriately social-media distance of 1.5 shares per views. Over to you […]
Via the magic of Marche Du Cannes online, Callumny Films is currently attending on virtual terms at Cannes, France this week to explore, present and discuss our titles/projects: Cinando As Marche du Cannes winds down today, we’re reaching out to international filmmakers to uncover opportunities in international co-productions. Callumny Films […]
CALLUMNY FILMS Marche du Cannes, 2020 (online) | Cannes you believe it – 12 days away from Marche du Cannes, 2020. We’re taking off metaphorically. How does the ‘little guy’ punch it’s own weight among the industry heavyweights? We’ve done AFM, but this time we’re adjusting our strategy. How? Insights […]